humble healer

Life Activation

createthe life that you desire!

Life Activation

with Energy Balancing

Life activation is an ancient and powerful healing and empowerment modality. This is the first step to begin the process of healing, transformation and empowerment. 

The essential starting point and first step in finding your highest purpose, regardless of your age or where you are in life.  This time-tested method infuses your body with pure Light, making its way through blocks, issues and weaknesses that you may not even be aware of.

Included are 2 bottles of Homeopathic Vibrational Waters that support the integration of Light into your physical system at a cellular level.

Investment $160 | 1.5 hour session

Energy Balancing

Energy Balancing is also a very important part of the Life Activation session.  It will bring your body’s energy systems back into alignment and balance, preparing the body for the amazing Life Activation!

Benefits of
Life Activation

Activates Your Dormant Divine Blueprint Within Your DNA

Wakes You Up Both Physically And Spiritually

Can Bring Physical And Emotional Healing

Breaks Through Blockages, Obstacles, Weaknesses And Hidden Issues

Assists In Breaking Family And Genetic Karmic Patterns​

Relief From Anxiety And Stress​

Assists In Breaking Old And Unhealthy Habits​

Feel More Joyful, Less Fear And More Inner Peace​